General Manager Business Services & Chief Financial Officer at AUSTRALIAN REFRIGERATION COUNCIL LTD - Box Hill, VIC, AU
The ARC is the ‘peak industry body' for the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC sector, with key representation throughout industry).By industry, for industry, the ARC, our members and Board, are the leaders of the sector.The Australian Refrigeration Council Ltd (ARC) provides leadership, value and knowledge the climate control industry through:- Licensing and regulatory assistance- Technical advice- Actively promoting training quality- Connecting customers to ARC-licensed businesses- Free promotional materials for ARC-licensed businessesThe ARC administers refrigerant handling licences and refrigerant trading authorisations on behalf of the Australian Government, to professionals in the refrigeration/air conditioning and auto industry. We also administer industry's first national Alternative (natural and HFO) Refrigerants Accreditation scheme- the ARC Green Scheme.We sit on a number of Government and industry panels relating to energy efficiency of refrigeration and air conditioning products, training and regulations in the industry.