Consultant (Hedge Fund) at Tiger Asset Management AG - Pfäffikon, Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland
Tiger Asset Management specializes in a fundamental European absolute return strategy with an investment focus on listed equities primarily in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH).The investment philosophy since Tiger Asset Management's inception in 2008 is based on identifying undervalued companies for which upcoming catalysts are expected and/or value creation measures are identified that will improve the intrinsic value of a company — ultimately driving shareholder returns.For each position, Tiger Asset Management performs a detailed analysis following a 360-degree research process which includes a 10-point scoring system. Strong focus lies on active risk control and capital preservation.Tiger Asset Management maintains a direct dialogue with each portfolio company as well as other shareholders to support the management and initiate value creating measures.Tiger Asset Management is based in Pfaeffikon/SZ, Switzerland and is a member of VQF, a self-regulatory organisation recognised by FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) and the Swiss Federal Money Laundering Control Authority.