Webmaster, Publisher, Writer, Designer at Permaculture Principles - Seymour, N/A, AU
Permaculture is a design system based on ethics and principles which can be used to establish, design, manage and improve all efforts made by individuals, households and communities towards a sustainable future.The aim of PermaculturePrinciples.com is to introduce people to the concept by focusing on the foundational framework - the ethics, design principles and permaculture flower as outlined by permaculture co-originator David Holmgren. Further avenues for exploration include videos, free downloads, blog, links and our shop - featuring quality permaculture publications. The icons for each of the principles that feature on the site are used as a memory tool in combination with a brief description and examples of how they can be applied. The feature image and caption used for each principle is sourced from the current Permaculture Calendar with supporting images and captions from earlier editions. Also included is a song written by Charlie McGee, adding an entertaining dimension to learning the principles.An important aspect of the business has been to apply the ethics that are discussed on the site. In demonstrating the ethic of Fair Share net proceeds (revenue less expenses) of sales of the Permaculture Calendar are tithed (10%) to Permafund, which redistributes funds to permaculture projects worldwide.