Haiku Interactive is a small company making iPhone and iPad apps, consulting on large game projects and making small, independent games for PC and the Xbox 360's Indie Game Channel. Haiku have a lot of experience working in games and we're racking up iOS experience all the time. We've worked on very high profile projects for Guinness and Reader's Digest and some other secret stuff we're really not allowed to talk about. These days we mostly do iPhone and iPad work so if you're looking for an app or Objective C contractors then give us a call! We've got some excellent experience writing geolocation and augmented reality apps and stuff with a more gamey slant but we've also worked on some proper applications too. If you're more buzzword oriented then we're a 100% buzzword compliant, lean, enterprise startup institution. We're consistently but holistically looking for new ways to productise the long tail of the User eXperience and drive freemium bizmods to monetisation.