Chair Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Board at Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin - Madison, WI, US
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, a nonprofit 501(c)(3), is a team of professionals and volunteers dedicated to the mission of restoring the Gift of Sight through recovery and transplantation of corneas, research to advance the knowledge and treatment of eye diseases, and education to increase donations of human eyes after death.Serving the entire state of Wisconsin, Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin fulfills this mission by procuring, processing, and distributing eye tissue to corneal transplant surgeons, researchers, and teachersEqually important is our commitment to education through our network of medical professionals, Lions and Lioness Clubs and members, and other volunteers who give generously of their time, talent, and treasures.Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin continues its commitment to people in the present who receive transplants and those in the future who will benefit from the researchOur ultimate goal is to improve people's quality of life through the Gift of Sight.