At Jumo Health, we provide award-winning educational content and tools to help children and families understand, manage, and own their health. Our age-appropriate comic books, podcasts, videos, and apps are written by doctors and adored by kids and families worldwide—we're in 65 countries and 55 languages. We believe that better education = better outcomes. Our diverse product offering aligns with each step of the patient journey—whether it begins in a pediatric clinical trial or at the point of diagnosis. Jumo content is written by our staff of doctors, peer-reviewed by leading specialists, and endorsed by patient association and advocacy groups. We cover a wide range of therapeutic areas, including rare diseases, and are the only company to partner directly with kids to bring authentic, engaging narratives to life.Interested in learning more about how to get copies of our books, leverage our products for your customers, or learn more about us? Please email us at Are you a pharma brand team, hospital system or payor? Or want to learn more about how we can support your pediatric clinical trial? We welcome the opportunity to discuss our commercial solutions with you. Please email us at