Deputy General Manager,Global Integrated Solution Div., Creative Center
Business Design Director/Business Analytics Specialist/Business Development Executive Manager
Founded in 1895, Hakuhodo Inc. is an integrated advertising and communication agencyheadquartered in Japan. It is the core agency of Hakuhodo DY Group, the world's seventhlargest agency company according to Advertising Age's "Agency Report 2016." Hakuhodo hasoffices in 17 countries and regions, and over 3,000 employees working in Japan and over 2,500overseas. Hakuhodo is strengthening its structure in emerging countries, particularly those inAsia, as it prepares to further expand its business across the region.Sei-katsu-sha insight is the foundation for Hakuhodo's thinking, planning, and brand building. Itreminds us that consumers are more than shoppers performing an economic function. Theyhave heartbeats. They are individuals with distinct lifestyles. Hakuhodo introduced this term inthe 1980s to emphasize its commitment to a comprehensive, 360-degree perspective onconsumers' lives.Renowned for its creativity, Hakuhodo has twice won the Grand Prix at Cannes LionsInternational Festival of Creativity, and was the only agency headquartered in Asia to beawarded a Special Lion commemorating Cannes Lions' 50th anniversary in 2003.