Composite Pacifico, Inc. (ComPac) is a manufacturing firm incorporated in the Republic of Panama and located in a "free trade zone" known as Panama Pacific. Panama Pacifico is a world-class manufacturing community located near Panama City adjacent to the southern gateway entrance of the Panama Canal. As a result of the incentives offered by the Panamanian Government and the geographic location at "the cross-roads of the world", ComPac is able to produce higher quality products at a lower manufactured cost thus enabling those savings to be passed to the end user.ComPac's Structural Insulated Panels (SIP's) are used in the construction of residential and commercial structures. ComPac's advanced monolithic design allows for pre-fabricated all-composite homes and buildings to be produced that exhibit tremendous structural improvement over conventionally built structures. Because of ComPac's fully automated production line and rapid on-site assembly, the cost of ComPac's pre-fabricated homes and buildings is considerably less than the cost of structures produced using conventional building methods.ComPac's Solar Roof System is a pre-fabricated residential or commercial monolithic structural insulated roof with integrated photovoltaic solar power cells. These cells will generate a considerable amount of electricity; generally, more power than the structure itself will use. When considering solar power incentives, ComPac's Solar Roof may cost no more than a conventional roof without solar power!As a result of this exciting new technology, ComPac's engineers have won the prestigious "Innovation Award for Outstanding New Green Technology".