Rina Sherman

talent coordinator at FIFCO USA - Rochester, NY, US

Rina Sherman's Contact Details
Rina Sherman's Company Details
FIFCO USA logo, FIFCO USA contact details


Rochester, NY, US • 500 - 999 Employees
Food Processing

Our Purpose and ValuesOur values define who we are and how we work. We believe that it's our responsibility to not only grow our business but to also improve the neighborhoods where we work and make a positive contribution to our environment. We do this by building relationships with people in our communities who help us understand where to focus first. This allows us to pursue ideas and projects that make a real and sustainable difference for our employees, partners and community.Our Approach to BusinessFIFCO USA embraces a Triple Bottom Line approach to business that prioritizes people, planet and profits. By connecting with our community and caring for our environment, we have an opportunity to connect with our customers and build our business.In each of our communities, you will see us volunteering, investing and partnering with people and organizations that promote our neighborhoods, strengthen our workforce and promote and sustain the world around us. We believe that when you do the right thing, your business results follow!

Details about FIFCO USA
Frequently Asked Questions about Rina Sherman
Rina Sherman currently works for FIFCO USA.
Rina Sherman's role at FIFCO USA is talent coordinator.
Rina Sherman's email address is ***@nabreweries.com. To view Rina Sherman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rina Sherman works in the Food & Beverages industry.
Rina Sherman's colleagues at FIFCO USA are Elizabeth Mcgowan, Stephanie Mosler, Matt James, Kyle Caternolo, Elena Kilgore, Melanie Cornwell, Timothy Doyle and others.
Rina Sherman's phone number is ["+12023313881"]
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