About gumi Inc. Founded in 2007, gumi Inc. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 3903) is a leading global mobile game publisher and developer headquartered in Japan, with overseas operations in China, France, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States. The company has proven success in launching titles worldwide, such as the widely popular role-playing game Brave Frontier. With ongoing publishing and development projects on various platforms, including iOS, Android, and more, gumi aims to change the world through innovative entertainment products and services, including both original content and collaborations with popular IP. For more information, please visit http://www.gu3.co.jp/en/home-en/. About gumi Europe. Based in the heart of Paris and Berlin, two of the most dynamic European capitals with strong gaming ecosystems and a thriving startup scene, gumi Europe’s teams develop and publish exciting titles such as Brave Frontier RPG. With more than 40 talented people dedicated to freemium game development, gumi Europe is lead by Senior leadership with strong mobile gaming experience from major Worldwide publishers such as Electronic Arts, Gameloft, or Ubisoft. With decades of cumulated gaming experience, gumi Europe is ready to move to the next step and leverage its CCG & RPG experience to deliver games for its hard core audience.