Coordonnateur d'Antenne régionale des Plateaux, Spécialiste en planification du développement local
JVE International is the Publisher of International Research Journals and the Organizer of International Conferences around the Globe.Publishing House is open for Journal collaborations, book type printing and new Journals establishment. JVE International Journals are indexed in the leading abstracting and indexing databases, including the Web of Science, Scopus, INSPEC, EBSCO, VINITI.The history of JVE International dates back to the previous century when vibration engineering school and science laboratory named "Vibrotechnika" was created in the beginning of 1960s' by Prof. Kazimieras Ragulskis in Kaunas, Lithuania (former Soviet Union). Over a decade together with more than 300 top-field scientists and engineers working in "Vibrotechnika", the scientific laboratory had turned into one of the biggest science center in Soviet Union at that time and many scientific innovations were discovered.This is how "JVE International" evolved. The company is still owed by the same family and is till growing. For the Journals: http://www.jvejournals.comFor the Conferences: