Aircomp is the division of Stampotecnica specialized in the production of components and solutions for pneumatic automation offering a unique combination of experience in fluid power field and a in-depth know how in the thermoplastic technopolymers processing, gained in over 50 years of activity. The selection of the most innovative raw materials together with a planning/design focused on the market needs, has enable the development of cutting-edge products and solutions in the pneumatic sector. Aircomp today offers a wide range of products grouped in 4 families: Air preparation, Valves, Cylinders, Fittings. Aircomp considers essential the partnership with the customer to realise excellent solutions. This is why the company has created a R&D department that develops customized solutions. The company believes in people that works with passion and enthusiasm every day, contributing through their ideas to develop competitive and cutting-edge products.A renewed corporate image – Aircomp trademark has now a new graphic form and communication style, not only for conveying its values and history, but also for better expressing its identity and vocation. The launch of a new company project, that asked important investments in resource and technology, was made with the intent to offer even more innovate solutions and complete services.Attention to customers' needs, competence and professionalism are the keywords of Aircomp philosophy, which is always keen on issues related to safety, environmental pollution and energy saving.