Ascend is now offering comprehensive palliative care along with our home health and hospice care lines. Palliative Care works towards the goal of making people with serious illnesses feel better, by preventing or treating symptoms and side effects of disease and it's treatment. It also focuses on the emotional, social, practical and spiritual problems that illnesses can bring up.EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL AND COPING PROBLEMSPatients and their families face stress during illness that can lead to fear, anxiety, hopelessness, or depression. Family members may take on care giving, even if they also have jobs and other duties. We can offer assistance in helping to cope with these issues such as:- Counseling- Support Groups- Family Meetings- Referral to Mental Health ProvidersPRACTICAL PROBLEMSSome of the problems brought on by illness are practical, such as money or job-related problems, insurance questions and legal issues. A palliative care team may:- Explain complex medical forms or help families understand treatment choices- Provide or refer families to financial counseling- Help connect you to resources for transportation and housingSPIRITUAL ISSUESWhen people are challenged by illness. they may look for meaning or question their faith. Our palliative care team can assist patients and families explore their beliefs and values so they can move toward acceptance and peace.