Foodtopia is a business initiative which proposes using technology for a new food production system that is solidary with the environment, partidary of not wasting foods, and defends traditional recipes as the core of our gastronomic culture. Think in a traditional grandmother. During all her life she has cooked the meal for the family. Imagine that she goes to the supermarket and she buys some prepared food. Imagine that she likes it. Imagine that she repeats. That is Foodtopia. We promote a balanced meal that favors the consumption of vegetable protein. This project has been conducted thanks to the sharing of synergies of its members. Leopoldo Torriti, through 35 years of experience in technology development for food industry in Unilever. Norberto Navarro, through 15 years of experience centralizing the production of chain restaurants and Spain National Hospitality Award 2007. Jesús Linares, through 20 years of experience in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics applied to food industry. Jesús Pagán, through 20 years in the design of machines for complex products in food industry.