Rizvee Aiyub

Corporate Controller at Best Express Foods, Inc. - Hayward, CA, US

Rizvee Aiyub's Contact Details
Stockton,California,United States
Best Express Foods, Inc.
Rizvee Aiyub's Company Details

Best Express Foods, Inc.

Hayward, CA, US • 250 - 499 Employees
Food Processing

Best Express Foods is a recognized leader in quality and value amongst club store members and mass merchandiser customers across the Country and abroad. Located in Northern California, our local independently owned Bay Area bakery has built and grown its business based on the ground of making good food more convenient, and convenient food a higher quality, with first-rate value and service. Through an expanding customer base and great brand recognition, we will continue to grow our business throughout the retail sector. We are known for creating our most popular products, Aussie Bites (now Organic), Sunrise Energy Bars, Petite Cinnamon Rolls, and lastly, but not least, our line of tortillas: stone ground corn tortillas and tortilla chips, 100% whole wheat flour tortillas, Truly Grain tortillas and traditional flour tortillas. Our products are now available in a variety of sizes and packaging, both in-stores and online. We are committed to creating customers for life through natural, healthy, great tasting food.

Healthy Baked Goods Pastries Tortillas and Tortilla Chips Food Processing Food Preparations Nec Food Production
Details about Best Express Foods, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Rizvee Aiyub
Rizvee Aiyub currently works for Best Express Foods, Inc..
Rizvee Aiyub's role at Best Express Foods, Inc. is Corporate Controller.
Rizvee Aiyub's email address is ***@bestexpressfoodsinc.com. To view Rizvee Aiyub's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rizvee Aiyub works in the Food Processing industry.
Rizvee Aiyub's colleagues at Best Express Foods, Inc. are Christina Mar, Stephen Parks, Dennis Ramos, Allan Berliant, Allan Berliant, Jorge Molina, Edwin Melara and others.
Rizvee Aiyub's phone number is 510-782-5338
See more information about Rizvee Aiyub