"Because Life is Improvised" We Provide Game Changing Coaching & Classes taking performances to the next level on set and in life. Improvisation is the essential skill for professional actors in film and television. If a performance appears rehearsed or anticipated, if an actor is in their head, trying to recreate a previous ‘perfect' performance, or recalling an emotional or sense memory, then they are not entirely present in the moment and the take or audition seems inauthentic and is unusable. Even in the luxurious filming environment that allows for rehearsal, spontaneity is essential. We teach a method for preparing that appears as though the scene is happening for the very first time, every time. If the actor is in the spontaneous ‘Play State' then they create a magic moment, moment after moment, in every take. In our classes, we teach actors to locate their "play state," in which their body is catapulted into a safe crisis and avoids thinking, judging, becoming audience, but becomes alive through action. There is a great difference between being childlike and childish. Games have a problem to solve and agreed upon (imaginary) rules (circumstances) in which the player (actor) must spontaneously (in the moment) improvise how (actions) to get the ball in the hoop (objective) while evading defenders (obstacles). Games are the essence of acting. To raise this to the level of artistry is our calling.