Rob Croce

Secondary Market Manager at Metro Credit Union - Chelsea, Massachusetts, US

Rob Croce's Contact Details
(877) 696-3876
Greater Boston
Metro Credit Union
Rob Croce's Company Details
Metro Credit Union logo, Metro Credit Union contact details

Metro Credit Union

Chelsea, Massachusetts, US • 302 Employees

Founded in 1926 and headquartered in Chelsea, Metro is a cooperative financial institution, owned and controlled by the members who use and benefit from our products and services. Since 1926, Metro Credit Union has been providing financial services to more than 200,000 members in our communities throughout Massachusetts. One of the largest credit unions in the state, Metro offers 18 full-service branches and has partnered with over 1,200 companies throughout Massachusetts to provide banking services to businesses and employees though our Metro@work program. Where to find us: 877.MY.METRO @metrocu Insured by NCUA | Member MSIC

Local Financial Institution
Details about Metro Credit Union
Frequently Asked Questions about Rob Croce
Rob Croce currently works for Metro Credit Union.
Rob Croce's role at Metro Credit Union is Secondary Market Manager.
Rob Croce's email address is *** To view Rob Croce's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rob Croce works in the Bank industry.
Rob Croce's colleagues at Metro Credit Union are Deborah Ferrante, Alicemarie Delao, Erna Sejdinovic, Khalil Farhat, Shavanna G., Nadine Gendy, Ilva Velmishi and others.
Rob Croce's phone number is (877) 696-3876
See more information about Rob Croce