Ethex is a Decentralized Exchange for wallet-to-wallet trading of Useful Tokens (crypto tokens that actual do things)! We're working increase participation and reduce friction in the global economy. tokens. Trustless trading.The decentralized revolution is powered by useful tokens. Ethex is the best place to find, buy and sell them.No signup. No deposit.No wrapping ETH, no withdrawals, no waiting, no extra steps. Ethex has the minimum number of transactions to make or take an order.Your wallet. Your keys 🔑Whether you're using Metamask, Ledger, or an Ethex wallet; our DApp never holds any funds and trades are resolved directly with other users.Open books.On-chain verifiable order books. We're not able to obfuscate transactions, falsify volume, or lie about liquidity. Plus, traders can't spoof orders — if you see an order, you know the funds are on-chain to back it.