Incrementum is the Latin word for Growth To deliver sustainable, profitable Growth, it is imperative for any business to re-orientate itself from being inwardly focused to structuring itself around the Customer ExperienceIncrementum guides companies through this transformationProcessTo deliver the optimal Customer Experience, the following process needs to be followed1. Establish a thorough understanding of the current Customer Experience2. Re-imagine the optimal "end-to-end" Customer Experience that• is clear who you wish to serve• is relevant• has removed all friction points• is differentiated through Hospitality3. Secure, align and empower the relevant resources to consistently deliver the optimal "end to end" Customer ExperienceDifferentiation through HospitalityHospitality is the business philosophy of Danny Meyer, Founder and CEO of Union Square Hospitality. Importantly, his philosophy is relevant for every business and is not restricted to the Restaurant Industry In explaining it, a key distinction to establish is the difference between Service and Hospitality• Service is the delivery of your product – it's about technical excellence• Hospitality is how you make people feelIn today's world, everything can be copied, so your product and service do not differentiate you. However, Meyer says you can't copy how he makes his customers feel, so he invests heavily in delivering a powerful Hospitality experience, differentiating his Restaurants from their competitors.Services• Management Consulting• Key-Note SpeakerContact DetailsEmail: rob.fleming@incrementumza.comMobile: +27 82 924 2235