RTM Solutions is a financial wellness company that helps business grow by providing their employees with personalized financial plans. These plans help reduce stress, increase productivity, and build a tighter community. Each employer loses roughly $5,000 per year (per employee) through financial stress in the workplace. Lunch-n-Learns, generic software, and fortune cookie wisdom isn't enough to combat this. Legitimate financial wellness is needed and that means leveraging the word "personal" in personal finance. Most programs include: + 30-45 minute presentation + 60 minute Q&A + Individual 1-on-1 follow us sessions All for a demonstrably low cost. The first pilot company this model was tested on showed some impressive results. The desire for employees to work more overtime went up and employees were laser focused on their personal finances. One man in particular saved $15,000 and cut $1,200 out of his monthly budget in just six months. If you're curious how it shakes out and how my teaching style may be different, book a free workshop It's a 30 minute session and 30 minute Q&A. Free to you. Like, really free. This program doesn't interfere with any existing 401(k) programs and is used as a bolt-on program. No consultants at RTM hold securities licenses--100% non-competitive. Check out the business and learn more @ robtalksmoney.com/rtmsolutions