Awen Forest Farm is a research based hybrid of a food forest and a market farm. This will be an opportunity for us to use our personal passion and experience in forestry and growing to push back against an industrialized, centralized system, and create a sustainable farm that regenerates soil, contributes to the natural environment, and provides food/products for a large number of households in our community. Our decisions are largely being guided by the land. The property has been under timber management, but not managed well. The topographical profile (steep slopes, and lack of access) is less than ideal for commercial timber harvesting, and the land isn't suitable for building a home. Presently the property is largely overgrown and unmanaged with one recent clear cut at the center ridge. Without a home building site or viable commercial timber the land would continue to be neglected. Our intention is to make Awen a small working farm with diverse crops and Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) that are well suited for the site.