The Ashby Bowhunting Foundation's goal is to provide the bowhunter with the information to achieve highest possible success rate and reduce the wound/non-recovery rate of big game to the lowest level possible. Through a program of continuing research, the Foundation seeks to find the most lethal arrow setups, considering all possible hits under real hunting conditions, and to make the results of this testing available to the global bowhunting community free of any cost, utilizing multi-media outlets for information and test results.In addition to the individual bowhunter the Foundation will make testing results available to bowhunter education programs worldwide, and all government agencies responsible for promulgation of bowhunting laws, to encourage regulations that testing indicates will lower the wound/non-recovery rate of game. The Foundation will strive to reconfirm the accuracy of any prior testing and to explore any and all untested avenues of research, including the ongoing testing of new broadheads and arrow components. To this end the Foundation will conduct both ongoing field testing and works with established university programs for various technical testing and analytical functions.As with all the previous testing, the Foundation accepts no funding, direct or otherwise, from the archery industry, thus keeping the Foundation's testing truly independent of industry influence.