Are you a web marketing professional or business owner that wants to use the web to build a growing network of satisfied, repeat clients? Many organizations are using video to provide visitors with an experience that is the next best thing to an in-person meeting. If done well, video on a business' website can add impact to its marketing so that more visitors begin to know, like, and trust the company before even meeting an employee. I help web marketers and their business clients build that connection with viewers through video content that is interesting to watch and focused on the right message. I've produced, directed, and edited videos for businesses, municipalities, and churches with excellent feedback. I use my talents in visual storytelling and experience in video and television production to help organizations connect with those they are trying to reach. Using these talents to help others succeed at what they do is one of the greatest joys I have as a creative professional. Click on my contact info tab above to email me or to visit my website to see some sample work. I would love to talk with you more about what you could do with video.