At BITRADX, we firmly believe that digital assets will inevitably become the products of future finance. On that note, digital assets investment will become the fundamental expenditure in the world of finance built on top of blockchain technology. BITRADX exchange platform is made easy for users who desire to trade with fiat currency; all fiat-to-digital assets transactions will be more transparent and secure than ever.Fiat-to-Digital AssetsUsers are free to trade and purchase with fiat currencies such as USD, IDR, RM, SGD, EURO, AUD, and CNY. Most fiat currencies purchase can be done via bank transfer, but the transaction period varies from one bank to another. For CNY, UnionPay allows China users to trade directly on the platform and make payments to bank accounts through platform transactions. BITRADX will support digital assets in BTC, ETH, LTC, and BTX (BITRADX Coin). More currencies will be added and accepted over time.ReliabilityBITRADX will be registered with the central bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia) as a reporting entity with regulator by observing the "Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Policy for Digital Currencies (Sector 6)." Furthermore, we are also certified by the Indonesian government with an issuance of business license as an international trading platform in Indonesia.SecurityBITRADX takes pride in having distributed safeguards spread across the entire system's architecture as the core defense against threats and any unauthorized access. With our platform, the best industry practices are followed, and all assets are kept secured in a multisignature cold wallet.Effortless TradingThe digital assets trading world might seem like a maelstrom for beginners, but we strive to provide the most user-friendly platform the market has seen to date, highlighting strong support responsibilities to attend to all tickets. BITRADX is proud to offer a modern dashboard that's easy to navigate.