Stone Key Properties, LLC works exclusively with experienced real estate professionals and is focused strictly on investment grade, value-add single family properties. The company specializes in acquiring, developing, and managing residential real estate portfolios. The company has three areas of focus; Investments, Acquisitions, and Management. Investments represent short term commitments (less than six months). Core competencies for investments:• Tax Deed Purchases in Lien States• Tax Certificate Purchases• Asset Purchases from Bankruptcy Court• Property Purchases through Auctions• DispositionsAcquisitions are defined as purchases that will be held in portfolio. Our firm is well versed in the acquisition process life cycle.• Market Research and Selection• Property Evaluation• Underwriting• Pro-forma Modeling• Cap Rate Analysis• Contract Negotiations• Estimated Budgets for ConstructionThe firm is experienced in managing properties in multiple markets; Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia, and Florida. Expertise includes:• Leasing and Brokerage• Remodeling Budgets• Tenant Relations• Property Management