Our core markets are recession proof industries including Power Generation, Military, Oil Production, Natural Gas, Petrochemical and New Hybrid Power Wind Generation Stations.We manufacture, sale, service, rent, and offer training to use calibrated tools for these industries, tools that comply with the many federally mandated requirements in these industries. These products are in increased demand all over the world due to this mandatory compliance and companies have no choice but to innovate with these charters.Our marketing ability will allow us to provide a cost-competitive superior tool in this semi-competitive industry permitting us to gain significant market share in a relatively short period of time.The Core Value and strength of our business comes directly from the management of our company. We have solid beliefs combined with a wealth of knowledge and prior investments coupled with experience in this industry. We desire to gain market share throughout the world, leaving behind a true legacy of our efforts. Having worked for our direct competitors allows us to see their complacency and genuine arrogance towards our ability to manage, grow and gain market share in key markets around the world.