Through a first-class offering of strategic and creative services, Eli Kirk helps companies build memorable brands that deliver measurable results. As a full-service agency, we love to solve marketing problems and help our clients outperform their competition. We do this through our in-house team of strategists, designers, writers and web developers—all working in tandem to produce phenomenally successful results for our clients.CLIENT DEMOGRAPHICEli Kirk clients come in many shapes and sizes, from scrappy start-ups to international high-tech companies, but they are always great people with great stories to tell—our job is to help them do just that. A few of our clients include:TECHNOLOGY: Novell . Adobe . LANDesk . Solera Networks . Brainstorm Inc . Integratechs . Align BI . Synoptix . Observe Point . Liquipel . Moxtek . CaselleEDUCATION: U of U Crocker Science Center . BYU Kennedy Center . ParentLink . Graduation Alliance . The American Academy . MedSchool Tutors . AtlyCONSTRUCTION: BigD Construction . Sunroc . Magelby Construction . HeliusRETAIL: The Provo Riverwoods . Goldsmith Jewelers . Impact Fitnesswear . Fizzy Pops . UnderteaseFOOD: Culinary Crafts . Hatch Family Chocolates . Julie's DeliNOT FOR PROFIT: Kids on the Move . Barbara Barrington Jones Foundation . Little Heroes Foundation . Food and Care Coalition . Buck-a-BogeyREAL ESTATE: Influence Real Estate . Box Home Loans . Odyssey Relocation . Soldier Summit