Principal / Owner at Climb LLC - Business Excellence Services - South Windsor, CT, US
An impediment in any business' journey to improve is the inability of and/or lack of commitment from everyone in the organization to put concepts, tools, and behaviors into action. Our simple, relatable, and flexible solutions build personal commitment and understanding at all levels of the organization.SIMPLEWe've done the hard work, so you don't have to. Lean? Six Sigma? Customer Experience? Our approach incorporates the core concepts from multiple methodologies. We translate the seemingly complex into words people understand and tools and skills that can be used everyday.RELATABLEWe take the time to understand your business and build trust with your people. Before we engage with your team, we ensure that we have a foundational understanding of what you do and how you do it, so that you can apply our services immediately. We believe that our approach will not only provide customized solutions that meet your unique business needs, but will drive commitment at both the individual and organizational level.FLEXIBLEOne size does not fit all. We know your organization is unique and understand that customer demands are your number one priority. We will deliver a customized service and work with you to find the best way to balance time and budget constraints with desired outcomes.