Infodoc as is a privately held software and consultant company. Infodoc is providing software for the Healthcare Industry, focusing on General Practitioner, Specialists and Public Health Centers. Infodoc is one of two leading providers in the healthcare market for Electronic Medical Records/Electronic Patient Journals (EMR / EPJ) in Norway.Infodoc has taken EPJ-/EMR-systems one step further to provide a total business system for health care users including also, modules for electronic communication, economy, scheduling, etc.Infodoc has a strong focus in utilizing the latest technology and dedicated resources for innovation to provide the most up to date and user friendly software for healthcare users. Electronic collaboration is another focus area where Infodoc has a strong lead. Infodoc is working closely with the Norwegian Health Authorities to provide our users with the latest standards within electronic collaboration in the Norwegian health system. Infodoc has been one of the main participants in the government driven projects such as E-resept, Kjernejournal and Digital dialog. Infodocs software is a 100 % Windows application and developed in Microsoft . Net 4.0.Infodoc is Microsoft Gold Partner with the following competencies:• ISV/Software SolutionsInfodoc in Microsoft's Partner Guide for Public Sector