Toronto-Canada based AirTrav Inc. provides commercial, financial, fuel management, operational, and regulatory advisory services to the aviation and broader travel sectors, including airlines, airports, government, logistics, maritime, and travel management providers.AirTrav also delivers due diligence, financial analysis and expert witness support to law firms, investment firms, bankruptcy trustees and other parties on a wide range of legal, investment, M&A and regulatory matters. AirTrav was founded to backstop a Canada-US low cost airline startup plan that had progressed to the investment road show stage with major brokerages. Following the events of 9/11, AirTrav transitioned to a full service consulting firm.AirTrav has a proven track record in the delivery of services that are characterized by their high degree of inherent quality and value-added insight. The firm's quality delivery process ensures that functional and technical requirements are defined and documented, and that projects once implemented are properly planned, scheduled, and controlled.AirTrav's President and Managing Director, Robert Kokonis, is Canada's most quoted independent aviation analyst with A-list media including television, radio and print. Media outlets that use Mr. Kokonis include Business News Network (BNN), Al Jazeera, BBC World News, Bloomberg Television, CBC, CCTV, CNBC Europe, CTV, Global, National/Financial Post, The Globe and Mail, The Hill Times, Huffington Post, Canadian Travel Press, Wall Street Journal, Canadian Press, and Thomson-Reuters.