The driving force behind the creation of Choice Cardiovascular, quite simply was the desire to recreate the original doctor-patient relationship. This sacrosanct and inviolable relationship -- based on trust, understanding and mutual respect -- survived in its intended form for nearly 2400 years, beginning with Hippocrates of Kos in 400 BC and finally perishing with the fictional TV character, Marcus Welby, MD, in the 1970s. The cornerstone of Choice Cardiovascular is our personalized cardiovascular prevention program that can, in members who are compliant, effectively avert all heart attack and stroke.Choice Cardiovascular offers an alternative for a limited number of member patients who prefer to obtain a more personalized, effective and optimal form of health care that is delivered with unfettered access and free of outside interference.With regard to your health and wellbeing, you deserve and should seek out the best available care. You are undeniably best served by a skilled, knowledgeable and caring physician who consistently delivers the absolute best evidence-based preventive and therapeutic health care in a manner that is specifically tailored to your individual needs.Rob Emerick, MD -- believes that one of his roles as a physician is to serve as a trusted advisor and advocate for his patients in navigating the myriad complexities of our ever changing health care system.In this high volume and depersonalized era of health care, Dr. Emerick has created a practice where he has the time to focus on you, and the improvement of your health, thereby realigning the incentives of the doctor and the patient. He employs a uniquely proactive approach in your care that enables you to achieve maximal health, wellness and quality of life. Dr. Emerick develops a personalized health care plan based on the findings of your Initial Cardiovascular Health Assessment and then meets with you regularly throughout the year to monitor your progress.