Robert Gardenhire

Retired at CFR & Associates - Oxnard, CA, US

Robert Gardenhire's Contact Details
CFR & Associates
Robert Gardenhire's Company Details
CFR & Associates logo, CFR & Associates contact details

CFR & Associates

Oxnard, CA, US • 10 - 19 Employees
Professional Services software

CFR & Associates is a privately held California Corporation that was started by a disabled Marine Veteran, (SDVOB) William James Osgood in April of 2004, later incorporating in December of 2006. CFR offers three basic programs to help the Business Community achieve outstanding success in their industry:1. Strategic Planning and Executive Coaching. This service is invaluable when it comes to achieving breakthroughs and accomplishments. Executive coaching and strategic planning allow the client to see what they always see (everyday circumstances) from a much different perspective, therefore, making breakthrough decisions that take their company to the next level2. Helping companies market to the United States government. Companies which are in a position to effectively perform at the highest level, then becoming a government vendor might be the right strategy. CFR's reputation as a Small Business Veteran Advocacy helps their clients to position themselves in the least competitive field for Federal Government set aside opportunities to the State of CA's SB/DVBE Option and the utilities Invitation only RFP opportunities where only four or five firms are invited to the RFP. By identifying and marketing to the agencies, departments, and sourcing authorities, CFR is able to present their clients with contracting opportunities that would ordinarily be difficult to find.CFR shares its seven years of marketing, business development and travel expenses that developed over 1400 relationships with key individuals around the country so that its clients do not have to spend the time, effort, energy, and money to do that.3. Once CFR's clients win contracts, they use CFR's innovative Selection and Retention of STAR Employees package to hire veterans. This complex and intricate process is made extremely simple when using CFR's innovative, copyrighted and unique Selection and Retention of STAR Employee System.

Strategic Planning and Executive Coaching Small Business Government/Large Business Contract Consultancy Teaching Companies to Hire Star Employees Small Business Veteran Advocacy Professional Services software Job Training and Related Services Professional Training & Coaching
Details about CFR & Associates
Frequently Asked Questions about Robert Gardenhire
Robert Gardenhire currently works for none.
Robert Gardenhire's role at none is Retired.
Robert Gardenhire's email address is *** To view Robert Gardenhire's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Robert Gardenhire works in the Construction industry.
Robert Gardenhire's colleagues at CFR & Associates are S Rehman, Ann Cooreman, Bill Barney, Marc Schott, Francis Partin, Alysia Helfrich, Andy Andrada and others.
Robert Gardenhire's phone number is 805-485-4101
See more information about Robert Gardenhire