Founder of the On the Brinck Book Award + Lecture at On the Brinck Book Award + Lecture - Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
The On The Brinck Book Award and Lecture is supported by the John Brinckerhoff Jackson Endowment at the University of New Mexico School of Architecture & Planning. Three annual awards are given in the disciplines of Architecture, Community and Regional Planning, and Landscape Architecture. Nominated books should break new ground, expand a discipline with new research or carve out new areas of study. The books should be vital enough to be read across the three disciplines, giving students in the allied environmental design and planning fields a common platform to engage in dialogue. The award program was founded in 2020 by Dean of the UNM School of Architecture and Planning, Dr. Robert Alexander Gonzalez. It is directed by Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at UNM, Kathleen Kambic ( Nominations open September 25 on Jackson's Birthday.