Robert Jr

Social worker at Connecticut Renaissance Inc - Shelton, CT, US

Robert Jr's Contact Details
Connecticut Renaissance Inc
Robert Jr's Company Details
Connecticut Renaissance Inc logo, Connecticut Renaissance Inc contact details

Connecticut Renaissance Inc

Shelton, CT, US • 100 - 249 Employees
Mental Healthcare

Connecticut Renaissance provides high quality, individually tailored behavioral health, substance use and criminal justice services to men, women, and adolescents throughout the state of Connecticut. Since 1967, CT Renaissance has earned the reputation as a leader in Evidence-Based Treatment practices; a leader that provides a warm, welcoming environment to the individuals we serve. Our services are trauma informed as well as gender and culturally responsive. Through programs run by a compassionate, committed, results-oriented team of clinicians, counselors, and administrators, our programs are designed to meet each person's individual needs.Headquartered in Shelton, CT Renaissance maintains facilities in Waterbury, Bridgeport, Norwalk, Stamford and New Haven. At Renaissance, our ultimate goal is to assist clients, their families and significant others to lead happy, healthy and productive lives.

Healthcare Hospital/Clinic Psychiatric Hospitals Mental Health Care
Details about Connecticut Renaissance Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Robert Jr
Robert Jr currently works for Connecticut Renaissance.
Robert Jr's role at Connecticut Renaissance is Social worker.
Robert Jr's email address is *** To view Robert Jr's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Robert Jr works in the Mental Health Care industry.
Robert Jr's colleagues at Connecticut Renaissance Inc are Stephanie Hosker, Alexandra Post, Anthony Borges, Sergio Dejesus, Theresa G., David Torres, Brandon Matta and others.
Robert Jr's phone number is 203-336-5225
See more information about Robert Jr