iMobileMedia run Shop Local O2O, a marketing program, combining new technology tools with specialist marketing services, to promote independent businesses across social networks and digital marketplaces. Find local customers and drive sales to your store. O2O references Online to Offline, supporting the omni-channel journey that people now experience in their daily shopping as they supply their household. The online element of the program presents digital profile and advertising resources, coupled with a digital marketplace for shoppers. The connection between digital advertising and physical sales is tracked using iMobileMedia's ScanZap system, as people claim FuelCents and other rewards on every transaction.Pay per sale advertising, is the key to the rapid growth of online affiliate marketing networks. Shop Local O2O now takes performance based marketing to even the smallest offline physical stores, offering all advertisers a minimum performance guarantee.iMobileMedia's digital marketplace for shoppers is it hosts over 200 major merchants from affiliate programs, representing a potential 5,000 plus stores in shopping centres across Australia. It offers people the opportunity to take control of their commercial relationships, by setting up their own personal shopping network. What makes Shping unique is that any business is able to join. Online or offline. No systems integration required. People can therefore invite all merchants to join their program, from international brands, to their local butcher. The data connection linking online and social advertising, to offline physical purchases is managed by the shopper. Loyalty cards and shopper dockets are not required. Instead of the store scanning the shopper's identity, people use their smartphone camera to digitize the transaction from their receipt. Every zap of a program purchase is rewarded, paying big cash rebates on fuel purchases together with personal discounts in store or online.