American Health Council — A national collaborative healthcare organization, comprised of leaders & contributors from all walks of healthcare. Together, we strive to create a better healthcare system.With a nationwide constituency comprising medical leaders and innovators, the American Health Council is capable of providing the most deliberate health care interventions. Our affiliate base consists of practitioners in allied health, dentistry, obstetrics, medicine, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, psychology & other health professions. This is further supported by our constituency's educators, professors, researchers, and scientists.By facilitating the exchange of information through advanced networking, the American Health Council remains dedicated to improving the overall well-being of the population, as well as alleviating the global burden of disease. Shared knowledge can lay the groundwork for preemptive action. Real-time collaboration gives way to better methodical reactions to address emerging problems. In this era of globalization, and in order to ensure our survival, we require national cooperation to combat sickness & disease that affects our country.Intimately connected, our experts are aligned in their objective to maintain & improve the physical & mental health of Americans. Working hand in hand, our collective has self-created an unprecedented knowledge base & communication network. Through this network, coupled with the extensive services and outreach platforms that we provide, we continue to achieve this goal.