VML/VACo Finance was established in 2003 by the Virginia Municipal League (VML) and Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) to address many of the financial needs of Cities, Counties, Towns, School Divisions, and Authorities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We pool the resources of local governments in order to provide superior financial services at lower cost. Our programs are designed to benefit governmental entities of every size and financial strength, including the entire range of local governments represented within the memberships of VML and VACo, as well as the school divisions, authorities, and other governmental entities that provide essential services to their constituents.VML/VACo Finance has made over $1.0 billion in governmental loans, manages invested assets of $3.5 billion, and has served nearly 300 political subdivisions.VML/VACo Finance is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia as the Virginia Local Government Finance Corporation (VLGFC), a Virginia not-for-profit corporation. VLGFC is the program administrator for all of VML/VACo Finance's programs including the VACo/VML Pooled OPEB Trust and the Virginia Investment Pool, which are governmental trusts established by their participating local governments.