Who we are.C3 SAFE TECHCloudsyntrix is an IT systems integration services company focused on providing business efficiency to its' clients through the deployment and automation of smart, efficient, infrastructure, and cloud technologies.Why C3Construction, Hospitality, and the large commercial development sectors are in the midst of an inevitable transition to digital transformation. Exacerbated by the proliferation of the COVID-19 pandemic, Property Managers, General Contractors, and Hoteliers are scrambling to secure their staff, develop on time, and provide the comfortability and security of their clients and guests.This is why Leading Edge Developers – Northern Pointe LLC, have partnered with IOT Infrastructure Tech Services company – Cloudsyntrix, – (CSTX, Inc.) to jointly provide solutions to combat CV19 and provide a new standard of safety and efficiency through technology – "The C3 Kit"C3 Will have the following capabilities to help combat CV19:Onsite Thermal Heat Detection IP SurveillanceOnsite Automated Temp ScanContact TracingSocial Spacing SensorsWifi IOT IntegrationsAbide by CDC standards & regulations for essential onsite IT staff