AutoSkill creates award-winning intervention software solutions to help close the proficiency gap in K-12 schools. For over 18 years, our research-based programs have helped at-risk students succeed by building fluency in the foundation skills of reading and math. Our mission is simple – to help every student progress in their education and work with teachers, principals and administrators to meet AYP targets and surpass their student achievement goals. Intervention Software Our core products, the Academy of READING®, SpanishTutor™ and the Academy of MATH®, are currently being implemented as key components of comprehensive intervention programs in more than 4,000 schools across North America. Instructional Methodology Our approach to intervention is truly unique. Most notably, our programs develop fluency through our exclusive approach to automaticity that incorporates accuracy, consistency and processing speed. Our individualized training streams, self-adjusting intervention engine, and focus on motivational principles to build self-esteem and confidence help students to re-engage in their learning.