Honi Soit is the student newspaper of the University of Sydney. First published in 1929, the paper is produced by an elected editorial team and a select group of reporters sourced from the University's populace. The publication has a circulation of 40,000 and a reach of over 1 million hits online. Published as part of the activities of the Students' Representative Council (SRC), Honi Soit is a tabloid-style publication incorporating a mixture of humorous and serious opinion articles. Its standard book size is 24 pages, but that is sometimes extended to 28 or 32 pages at the discretion of the editors and publisher. In 2016, the editors are Andrew Bell, Natalie Buckett, Max Hall, Tom Joyner, Sam Langford, Alexandros Tsathas, Subeta Vimalarajah, Mary Ward, Victoria Zerbst, Naaman Zhou