After a number of years in the exhibition, outdoor event & signage industries I made the decision to design a business model that offered clients the opportunity to participate at their choice of trade show or outdoor event confident that their brand was safe regardless of whether they were armed with a blue chip marketing budget or not. The advancement in print and manufacturing technology has allowed everyone to compete on a level playing field and more often than not come out in front of the traditional players offerings - both from a design and practicality basis as well as financially. So, sourcing excellent inventory is now the easy part! What of this holistic, new age approach to extracting that all important purchase order? To be honest, the longer I thought about it, the more It seemed too simple! Instead of focusing on the sale at all costs - focus on making sure the client walks away from the event having successfully attained the goals you helped them set prior to their event and work backwards. You do that and instead of being a 'supplier' , you just became a partner in their success. And all because you gained the golden egg of delivering a solution.........Trust. Suddenly you've got your client to invest emotionally in the concept of them being a success as opposed to begrudgingly picking the cheapest nastiest stand and hating you for making them! By the way - big budget solutions are always welcome! Just so you know...... Rob M