French Battlefields offers the ultimate guidance to locate and view fascinating and evocative historic sites in northern France, Belgium, and the Netherlands - an area known to military historians as the 'Cockpit of Europe.' For 600 years this small geographic area witnessed the kingdoms and empires of France, England, Spain, Prussia, Russia, Austria, and, later, Germany struggle for mastery of Europe. From medieval encounters at Crécy and Azincourt, the confrontations of massive armies at Waterloo and Sedan, to the twentieth century's two cataclysmic world wars, many of these fields of battle have remained essentially undisturbed; most still displaying physical evidence or striking memorials. Through print edition visitor's guides, Amazon Kindle eBooks, or internet presented Virtual Battlefield Tours, the battlefield tourist, military history enthusiast, or armchair traveler can view and understand what occurred and what separated the victor from the vanquished.