Executive Director of Human Development and Transportation at Pike County at Pike County - N/A, N/A, N/A
The Pike County Chamber of Commerce in Pittsfield is an active leader in developing and promoting a prosperous community. We encourage and welcome businesses to our community, provide networking and educational opportunities, as well as business resources and marketing support. The Pike County Chamber of Commerce also serves as the official Pike County (Illinois) Visitors Center, which we operate along with Pittsfield Main Street. The Visitors Center and our offices are housed in the annex of the Pittsfield Community Center, 224 W. Washington in Pittsfield, IL .You'll find a wealth of information at the Visitors Center, as well as on our website, www.pikeil.org. Feel free to stop by, call us at 217-285-2971 or email us at info@pikeil.org. Write us PO Box 283, Pittsfield, IL 62363. As a countywide, private, non-profit corporation, the Pike County Chamber of Commerce is made up of more than 220 individuals, businesses and professional firms, 80% of which are small businesses. We are making Pike County a great place to live, work and visit.