Computer Network Technician Village Support at Norton Sound Health Corporation - Nome, AK, US
Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) is a tribally owned and operated, independent, not-for-profit health care organization. NSHC operates the Norton Sound Regional Hospital in Nome and clinics in the 15 villages within the 44,000 square miles that comprise the Bering Strait region.NSHC was established in 1970 to meet the health care needs of the Bering Strait region's Inupiaq, Siberian Yupik and Yup'ik people. Its mission is to provide quality health services and promote wellness within our people and environment.NSHC employs a wide variety of health care professionals including Physicians, Nurses, Dentists, Optometrists, Pharmacists, Physical Therapists, Medical Technologists, Paramedics, Behavioral and Mental Health Professionals.