Envirotech, Inc. provides environmental services, technology, andmanagement programs for all phases of asbestos/lead/mold abatement,hazardous waste and selective demolition services. Our goal is to providethese services to our clients in a professional manner with an emphasis onrigorous cost management, strict quality assurance/quality control, andproven environmental technologies for every project we perform. Envirotechupholds these demanding business practices while maintaining thehighest standard environmental compliance through the use ofexperienced, well-trained personnel, comprehensive project planning, andstate-of-the-art technology.Envirotech and its management team have been involved in over 5000environmental remediation projects involving Asbestos, Lead, Mold,Hazardous Waste, and Selective Demolition sites throughout the Midwest. Project sites have included school buildings, churches, medical facilities,office complexes, industrial plants, and department stores. Our clientsrange from local governments to Fortune 500 companies in a variety ofindustries.