We offer organic, whole grains from Montana (*in 5 pound bags, 50 pound bags, or 45 pound pails), which can be milled into whole grain flour for baking. Our most recent order was 12,000 pounds so we're talking a lot of whole grain goodness coming your way! The best omega 3 we've ever seen is our Salmon Oil Plus for it's not only the purest, but also the only one we've found with all EIGHT members of the omega 3 family. (*Most only have TWO members of the omega 3 family! - "Take a more "complete" product and get more complete results!" ) We also offer Carotenoid Complex, found by the USDA to strengthen immunity 37% in just 20 days! This one single product has turned our lives around, reducing our sick days to almost nothing and we thank God for being introduced to it five years ago!When my husband isn't unloading massive amounts of grain, he is caring for the insurance and real estate needs of those around us! You can call him for quotes or to get information at (803) 920-3744 and tell him "Cindy" sent you! :O)