SQL Server Performance Tuning Experts and DBAs - we make SQL Servers faster and more reliableWe push SQL Server Performance to the max. On days that we aren't tuning, we do SQL projects like: db architecture, migrations, upgrades, SQL load testing, ETL, automation, Disaster Recovery setup, AlwaysOn, etc.For the best conversation in your life, ask us about:- Microsoft SQL Server Performance Tuning- Index tuning, T-SQL tuning, stored procedure tuning, Data Warehouse load job tuning- Remote MS SQL Server DBA- Performance load testing- SQL Server Health Checks, Database Server Audits- Complex SQL Server Migration and Upgrades- Automation - PowerShell and other- New SQL Server setups - if you clicked 20 times Next, Next, Next, during your SQL install - you got db problems!- Moving to the cloud - Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS EC2 - act little different than on-premise servers. It's NOT one to one match!- Automated maintenance plans - think of it as oil changes on your car, except they can be automated- Automated backups - full, differential, transactional, filegroup, file), statistics maintenance, index maintenance, corruption checks- Data Warehousing, SSIS, SSRSToday SQL depends on many surrounding technologies such as:- Active Directory- Group Policy- Windows settings- PowerShell- SAN/storage configuration- Virtualization- Networking - Clustering- and if you are in the cloud, then add more items to the list.You want someone that gets them ALL!We are a team of Enterprise SQL Server Database Administrators with experience in a variety of very complex highly transactional and Data Warehousing environments. With a proven track record in performance tuning, architecture, clustering, administration, high-availability, disaster recovery, complex upgrades, monitoring, mirroring, log shipping, replication, hardware selection, capacity planning and security.Testimonials: https://red9.com/testimonials/Reach out to: mark@red9.com