WE BUY ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENTSurplus IT Liquidation | Asset Management | Data DestructionWHAT WE DOCFES provides IT Asset Disposition for high volumes of IT equipment and electronic scrap from schools and businesses. Clients receive true fair market value for their assets, and peace of mind that their IT equipment has been properly retired in compliance with the Environmental & Data Security regulations set forth by R2.Upon request CFES issues their clients a Certificate of Destruction / Recycling, certifying the reclamation, destruction and recycling employed by their properly licensed facilities is in accordance with applicable federal regulation 40 CFR.SERVICESComputer/IT LiquidationWe offer a full range of IT disposal services with a focus on dedicated customer service, data security, and competitive pricing.Secure Data DestructionComplete data sanitization of all electronic media containing sensitive information to prevent intellectual property and personal information from leaking.Enviromentally ResponsibleZero landfill / zero export of electronic waste. All materials broken down and processed for the recovery of commodity grade metals and non-metals in compliance with all state and federal laws and regulations.Bulk Loads / B2B PlatformIf you have an inventory list available call a CFES salesperson for a consultation at 781.784.0000. Freight shipments on bulk loads over 500 LBS are setup within 1-2 business days.Local PickupWe can provide safe, reliable waste collection services for any customers in the New England and Tri-State areas.