Singtel is Asia's leading communications group providing a wide spectrum of information & communication technology (ICT) solutions, including voice, data and video services over fixed and wireless platforms. We serve over 550 million mobile customers in 25 countries. Singtel Europe helps European headquartered corporations grow their business in the complex and diverse Asia Pacific region. From understanding your network needs to delivering first-class ICT and connectivity services, we provide unparalleled levels of customer support and quick responses to your requirements. As a one-stop ICT service provider in APAC, Singtel Europe have deep experience and knowledge of the region. Our experienced and qualified local staff work with our 20,000 colleagues in APAC (3,000 in China), to provide expanded reach & seamless, high-quality services across the whole APAC region. Our services, such as IPVPN (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network based on MPLS), IPLC (International Private Leased Circuit), Hybrid Networks,Cyber Security & Cloud-Enabled Data Centres securely connect you to the world's fastest-growing economies. We own and operate 14 Cloud-Enabled data centres in Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia and have access to data centres in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, USA & Europe through partnerships. Telecom analyst IDC have positioned Singtel in the leaders quadrant of their APAC Marketscape report for 3 consecutive years since 2011. Why are businesses choosing Singapore as their hub in APAC? Singapore is the geographic centre of Asia Pacific, one of the world's major commercial hubs, with the fourth-biggest financial centre and the busiest transshipment port in the world. Singapore does not experience typhoons, earthquakes or volcanoes more common in the rest of the region. All but one of the submarine cables in APAC go through Singapore. Singtel Europe is your bridge to more of Asia Pacific.