Mound City Auctions is a St. Louis, MO. company that offers auction, business/restaurant/bar liquidation and appraisal services. \\We have sat over 600 World record prices on everything from Stan Musial's game used glove (where we tripled the previous record) to vintage comic books at auction. We offer real estate, business, restaurant, bar auctions. We also offer estate, benefit/fundraising, collectible, coin, stamp and comic vintage book auction services.\\We offer our customers a full range of auction and appraisal services, including in-home auctions, auctions under our auction tent, consignment auctions, on-line only auctions, and blended auctions with both live and on-line bidding (with streaming video and audio). \\We are technical leaders in the auction field. Our lead auctioneer has taught Google search engine optimization/search engine marketing (SEO/SEM) classes at the State and National level including classes for the National Auctioneers Association (NAA), the Missouri, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Texas Auctioneers Associations. He sits on the Board of Directors of the Missouri Auctioneers Association, and is an Educational Trustee for the NAA.\\We are fully licensed, insured and bonded. We can supply copies of these on request.